Origin of Brunei Darussalam

All the arguments heighten my interest to delve into further readings of Brunei History. I found an article written by one of our historians at the History Centre who wrote about the origin of the name of our country, Brunei. Most of us were brought up (those who were lucky enough to be brought up with Brunei History - I was using the Malaysian History Book when I was at school in Brunei) knew of the story of a group of 'sakai' led by Pateh Berbai to search for the new capital. When they found the present location to be very strategic, it was said that they said 'baru nah' - finally we found it. Eventually 'baru nah' became Brunei. I thought when I first read this years ago, it was plausible but there was a sense of doubt there. It does stretch your imagination how 'baru nah' can in the long run become 'Brunei'. What kind of conversation were they having in those days?
I quite like the second explanation from another school of thought - more scholarly - and hence less fun, which stated that the word Brunei comes from the Sanskrit word 'Bhurni Karpuradvipa' - 'bhurni' means 'land' dan 'karpuradvipa' which means 'camphor land' as in those days, Brunei produces a lot of camphor (kapur barus) said to be among the best in the world. Some have also speculated that another Sanskrit word 'Varunai' which means 'seaborn' as Bruneians in those days are said to be great and brave sailors. Again this relates well to Bruneians who lived in Kampung Ayer.
In the Chinese Annals from the years of 518 to 1370 CE, Brunei was known as either Poli, Polo or Poni. It changed to Brunei in about 1397 CE during the reign of Chien-Wen when Brunei sent its emissary to China. The Europeans called Brunei as Borneo as one historian writes '... the islands of Borneo which is given its European name to all the rest, is correctly pronounced by the inhabitants of the country itself 'Brunei'...' The Arabs know Brunei in those days as 'Dzabaj' or 'Randj' and surprisingly it is the present South China Sea which was then called the Brunei Sea. In fact there has been many spellings of Brunei in various historial literatures such as Buruneng, Bornei, Burneu, Borney, Borneo, Bruneo, Burne, Bornui and Burni.
The word 'Darussalam' was said to be used from the third Sultan, Sultan Sharif Ali. This was the days when Brunei was very famous and visitors from the Islamic Middle East would come to Brunei to trade and they found the country so prosperous and peaceful that they called it Darussalam which is the Arabic word for peace and prosperous.
By the way, it is also quite a contraversial issue about where Brunei's exact location is during ancient time.
Brunei now and BRunei identified as POLI, PUNI and others, if you have the time to check old history books - will show you that these places are actually located in the Sarawak, Kuching side.
How they identified it with Brunei is still much debated
Believe more on what the Brunei Musuem is saying - hope they will publish their new journals soon
In fact a very knowledgable antiques dealer that I know (not Bruneian) said that foreigners used to refer to Brunei and Borneo interchangably in old maps, pictures or articles etc..
I'm not saying we should accept our history books without question (e.g. myths like Puteri Leila Menchanai etc) but when it's corroborated by other nations maybe it's okay to believe in it.. Plus it does make for great reading hehe..
BUT... What if Sarawak then claim to have thousand years old history, and that in the past, it was known as Poni? Camana tah tu?
What annoys me the most is when people kept on saying Brunei was a part of Malaysia (Sabah & Sarawak)& that now because of the departure, Brunei is just small rich country.
I kept on arguing its the other way round.
Pfts. Its annoying really.
Brunei Darussalam, I LOVE YOU
But, it is still really cool to know about this hehe