A Time to Reflect

Apologies to the few faithful readers that I have left of this blog. I have not been able to update this blogspot and thoughts of closing it down completely have crossed my mind. Work as usual is very hectic but at the same time family commitment too. We lost a young junior colleague a couple of months back. Last week my aunty Hajah Maimunah too was called. The last I saw of her was during my sister's wedding when she came over to my parents' house despite being on wheel chair. Mudah-mudahan roh mereka di cucuri rahmat dan diampunkan dosa-dosa. I heard yesterday too, my uncle Dato Chua Pheng Siong had passed away. He was a good man. I worked under him for a few years when I was at MOF and I learnt a lot from him. I remembered attending an IMF and World Bank Governors Board meeting with him in Washington DC. We also stopped over in London on the way back together and nobody waited for us at London Heathrow because everyone thought that our flight was delayed. A time for sadness....