A Ghostly Tale

There was this elderly couple, husband and wife driving quite late at night. It was drizzling. While driving they saw a young lady standing on the roadside and they debated whether to stop and help her. The wife against but the husband was sympathetic. Since it was the husband who was driving, he stopped.
The lady got in and they asked where she wanted to go. She said a name of a place further down the road. Both husband and wife was surprised but should not be really, there was nothing in the place that the young lady wanted to go other than a graveyard. Since she was already in the car, all they can do was drive.
As they get nearer the place, the wife got more nervous. She was scolding her husband in a hushed tone for picking the young lady up. As they get nearer, there was a bad smell emanating in the car and it got progressively worse. She dare not turn around. The wife was beside herself being scared and she started to speak to her husband about her fears and the bad smell and who actually is sitting in the back seat. The husband laughed and told her not to worry about the smell. He had been having stomach trouble and had been releasing his gas!