Save Water - Save the Environment

There are many ways to save water. If you turn off your shower while soaping you can save 155 litres a day, if you use half flush (if your toilet has half flush) you can save about 29 litres a day, if you water your plants using a watering can, you can save another 91 litres a day. There are many ways to save water.
The problem is that the demand for water in Brunei is increasing. The government cannot keep on supplying water without damaging the environment. We already have a few dams around the country without us realising it. The next dams will have to be bigger and will definitely destroy the surrounding habitat and the environment.
I recently visited a remote village in Northern Borneo where piped water have not yet reached the populace. So they utilise the roofs of their homes and huge water tanks to collect and store water for daily use. During the dry seasons they pump up water from a nearby river. They also buy a lot of bottled water for drinking.
We see water here, there and everywhere and think that it is inexhaustible and sustainable...
Well, we will pray hard for rain and water when dry days come...;)