The Mystery of Brunei's $1 note with 2 serial numbers
Every once in a while, some BR readers out there would send me something. This I received from a reader who luckily enough reads the Miri Daily News which is in Chinese. She found this story and has very kindly translated the news article and emailed me the relevant page on Miri Daily which appeared in the 10th November 2006 edition.
B$1 note with 2 different serial numbers
Seria, Nov 9 – A currency note collector was very excited as he discovered an extraordinary note few days ago. The B$1 note bears two different serial numbers on it.
Mr. Yong said that he started to collect B$1 notes years ago, particularly those with the “golden” numbers of ‘6’ or ‘8’. To date, he has collected over ten pieces “golden” numbered B$1 notes.
Recently he was fortunate to have discovered a note with “golden” numbers, as well as a note that has two different serial numbers printed on it. He presumed this is a printing error by the Currency Board.
On the right hand corner of the unusual note is 4266868, however the left hand bottom corner is 833318 which he has never seen before."
I have not asked the folks at the Brunei Currency and Monetary Board as to how that particular note has two serial numbers on the front (see that note on the newspaper page.) If I get a nice answer, I would post that here. In the meantime, you better start taking a look at the $1 note in your wallet. They may be worth something.

Seria, Nov 9 – A currency note collector was very excited as he discovered an extraordinary note few days ago. The B$1 note bears two different serial numbers on it.
Mr. Yong said that he started to collect B$1 notes years ago, particularly those with the “golden” numbers of ‘6’ or ‘8’. To date, he has collected over ten pieces “golden” numbered B$1 notes.
Recently he was fortunate to have discovered a note with “golden” numbers, as well as a note that has two different serial numbers printed on it. He presumed this is a printing error by the Currency Board.
On the right hand corner of the unusual note is 4266868, however the left hand bottom corner is 833318 which he has never seen before."
I have not asked the folks at the Brunei Currency and Monetary Board as to how that particular note has two serial numbers on the front (see that note on the newspaper page.) If I get a nice answer, I would post that here. In the meantime, you better start taking a look at the $1 note in your wallet. They may be worth something.
This is not new Mr BR. A friend of mine has a good collection varities of current Brunei $1 note. He told me most of those notes he got from Petrol Filling Stations where the people passed the notes to petrol attendants.
Is it possible for us to get a hold of these notes?