Raison D'etre

I was asked yesterday shouldn't I be concentrating on more important things than blogging and the commentator noted that nowadays since many people carry laptops and he raised the the possibility that I was blogging during office hours when I should be working? Questions like these are defining moments. To me, it does raise a very fundamental issue as to whether I should continue this blogsite. The original reason this blogsite started was an advertising space for me to let people know what new stuffs have been put up on my main library, www.bruneiresources.com.

Eventually I found that it was easier for me to put up information about Brunei which are written in a more informal way on this blogsite. So this blogsite became a parallel site to the main website. For some reason, I can't quite comprehend, the readership grew from a handful of family members and friends (1 a day when I started (my faithful spouse)) to the monster it has become today (averaging 600+ a day). So far I have continued doing it as I consider it as a public service for me to let Bruneians know more about Brunei - I look at it as my contribution and a payback to what the country has done for me over the years. I am not out for fame (that's the reason for being annonymous) but whatever fame this website gets I hope is all for the better so that we can reach more Bruneians out there.

Oh yes, and I don't blog during office hours even though I carry a laptop. The volume of work I do does not give me the time to indulge in blogging. In most cases I also chair meetings so the possiblity of blogging when chairing meetings will prove quite impossible even though I have never tried it yet. I am sacrificing my precious spare time in the evenings and early mornings and therefore maintaining a daily Brunei info service is proving quite a challenge and I am seriously thinking of whether it is even worthwhile in the light of yesterday's comments. I have proven that blogging can be done responsibily and that it does not have to degenerate into something unsociable. Maybe I ought to stop there and just shut down one of these days. So don't be surprised if this blogsite just stops. It will just mean that I have run out available precious spare time and no longer find it worthwhile to continue.


Anonymous said…
Mr BR, if you asked anyone who reads your blog on a daily basis, i assure you each one will not want you to stop blogging. at least not for the time being. you are one of the writers who can provide useful information about BD and at the same time make it enjoyable and worthwhile to read. thanks mr BR! long live Bruneiresources!
p o t a t o said…
Reaching out to Bruneians through this website IS important. Creating awareness regarding a variety of issues IS important. Letting people know of your thoughts, ideas and concepts and especially your personal perspective IS important.

I'm sure that the readers who visit your blogspot leave with new perspectives and thoughts.

That may be transformed into actions.

Keep on going, sir.

Mornings without reading your blog entries would be dull.

And most of all, thank you for using your spare time to enlighten us with topics that we might not be aware of.
Anonymous said…
Mr. BR, with all due respect sir I reckon the person should NOT of commented on you and what you do in office hours or in your spare time, that is your personal life.
But I do commend you on your blog. It is an eye-opener. Your blog has been very influential for alot of us, you provide us with a different perspective in life and the way we 'bruneians' think. Not only has your blog been mentally stimulating it has also open the gate for Bruneians to voice and show their opinions and views. For a long time I did not know of many Bruneians to have similar perspective of the world and our country until I read your blog.
So you should continue your blog as long as you are capable to, and InsyaAllah you will be repaid with the blessing that you have created a web of individuals who are better adapt and understanding to Brunei's place in the world. I am truly greatful for the entertainment you provide for many of us.
Thank you Mr. BR and God Bless. :)
Anonymous said…
Obviously that person has not realised the extent to how blogging has impact Bruneian society.

We are bringing Brunei out into the open, we are making the country famous, in light of the Visit Brunei Year! Brunei has been mentioned by International websites because of Brunei bloggers, newspapers are talking about us, some bloggers are actually being invited to international summits because of blogging in Brunei.

Bloggers in Brunei are taking an active stance to promote the country.

WHAT HAS THAT PERSON DONE? Commenting on BLOGGING DURING OFFICE HOURS. Trivial matters which are NOT conterproductive anyway. There are a thousand studies I can show you that will say it's okay to go online for a while to release tensions during office hours. In fact, it will increase productivity by 30%. Of course I'm not talking about those who use it ALL THE TIME, that's practically abuse.

Anyway, BR, these bising people are what I would like to call LANGAU. They fail to see the bigger picture and instead look for trivial things that does not matter to use against you. What you should do about them is to kiap them away. Shooh shooh. Frankly, they're not worth your time.
Anonymous said…
Dear Mr. BR,

This site has got to THE most informative site that we have, giving internetters the platform to learn more about our beloved country and dicuss emerging and important issues in a civil manner.

Thank you Mr BR for taking the time and effort to maintain your blog.
Anonymous said…
Never stop. Please. :) - Syazwan
baz said…
Reason for Being... keep up the good work, mr BR, SIR!
FlyBoy said…
Mr BR, please keep on blogging, as your site is far better than reading the BB and the Brunei Times, coming second only to Golf Digest.

Isn't the net similar to reading a daily paper? Don't let one comment bother you. It's only one opinion. Do what you want to do.

The only reason you should stop blogging is to play more golf!
Anonymous said…
I currently live abroad and I visit your blog first rather then brudirect.

I find it an interesting reading. As for where or when you blog, doen't really matter to me. As long as you continue to write interesting blog it's fine with me.
Anonymous said…
It would be a pity if you stop, as you have given a lot of information about Brunei that even Bruneians don't know about. It's not worth to stop blogging due to one person, when there are a lot others who wishes you to continue blogging.
So, Mr. BR, please continue blogging, alright?
Anonymous said…
Mr BR please continue your blog. Forget about what that one yahoo has insinuated about blogging vs work. I wonder if he/she has asked each and every single person who is employed whether or not they dedicate each second, minute, hour of the workday to actual work.
Your blog has opened my (and many otehrs) eyes to Brunei and its many secrets.
When I came back from abroad a few years ago I was counting the days til I could leave again. Now I find that I have stopped counting and instead seen the beauty that is Brunei. If that isn't a reason to keep writing then I dunno what is!
Anonymous said…
Screw that 'Langau' as one commnter put it. S/he is probablity jealous of you and want to take over your current position that you currently hold or see you fall and destroy your work. Then the Langau will definately win.
Are you a Quitter Mr.BR? Cos I dont belive you are. So stop your self-loathing and take up that challenge and do this thing all the way man. And dont forget arm ur self with a fly-swater.
Peace out. >_<
Anonymous said…
No. Don't blog less. Your site is far better than any other media in Brunei.

And I love reading it!
m o g L i e said…
One pesky comment should not stop you from blogging. Honestly your blogs are "different" and the more I read yours the more newer things that I'm learning. We'll support your initiatives regardless of what those comments are.
BRUNEI resources said…
Thank you all for the support. It's not so much the 'pesky' comment - that I can live with. It's more the realisation that with success comes responsibility and to maintain that responsibility is something I may not have in abundance. I have stated that I will continue until I have had enough. I guess we will never know when the end will come but like death, when it comes, it comes and it will come. You can't escape from it.
Anonymous said…
The commenter should take note of the time which is clearly visible at the end of each post.

Surely he/she would know how to tell the time.

Please do not stop blogging. You have provided powerful insights that no one has ever done before.
Anonymous said…
Mr. BR Sir, if one day I was to enter this site and find a goodbye note, that would be sad indeed. But of course endings are ever-looming and somewhat inevitable. I just want to thank you again for creating this blog and opening our eyes to issues that are either both obvious or hidden yet equally important. Your site is full of light-hearted humour, musings, and honesty. I hope the discussions here show that the younger generations do realise the wonder and beauty that is BD, so we continue to strive for progress and developments, yet maintaining our rich and handsome culture.
Anonymous said…
I was wondering how you would have found time to put your thoughts down. I presumed you must have done it on your commute to and from the office while sitting at the back of your car.

Your blog is one of the best I have read on Brunei and I have learnt a lot about our beloved country just by reading your blog.

I have tried to keep a daily blog as well but have not been able to find the time to actually put my thoughts down in the computer.
Anyway I would be happy to contribute to your blog if the offer is still open, if it would help reduce the burden. I am sure many others would happy to do so as well.
Anonymous said…
I was wondering how you would have found time to put your thoughts down. I presumed you must have done it on your commute to and from the office while sitting at the back of your car.

Your blog is one of the best I have read on Brunei and I have learnt a lot about our beloved country just by reading your blog.

I have tried to keep a daily blog as well but have not been able to find the time to actually put my thoughts down in the computer.
Anyway I would be happy to contribute to your blog if the offer is still open, if it would help reduce the burden. I am sure many others would happy to do so as well.

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