Moon Sighters versus Scientists

Some argue that in this ultra modern era of rapid scientific and technological advancement, we should not avoid the use of scientific knowledge for making an Islamic calendar rather than having to wait for a confirmation of moon sighting to start a new month. Today, we have access to technology that we can calculate when and where the moon sighting occurs; and together with recorded data, we can even show how accurate the calculations can be. Some scientists even stressed that with today's technology, calculations are far more accurate than that of sightings as there is a possibility of mistaking other objects for the crescent moon. They further argue that sighting is not the only requirement but simply as a facility as that was the sole method available to the Muslims in the past.
So why sight the moon? The argument centers around the hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW as narrated by Al-Bukhari which stated that "Do not fast unless you sight the crescent, and do not break your fast till you sight the (following) crescent." This pretty much is what is followed in Brunei that we have to sight the new moon regardless. Though if you ask me the scientific argument sounds as equally valid. Though the purists would have defended the argument of physical moon sighting as that is the method prescribed by the Al-Mighty and thus cannot be changed.
Though at least we have accepted sighting of the new moon even if they are no longer in Brunei as long as we are on one land. If sighting occurs on say Kalimantan, we will accept it. At least that's as much as I know. I could be wrong. If we are prepared to accept a sighting as far as Kalimantan, why not have universal sighting? So we all can fast and end fasting at the same time. I have been told that there is another hadith by Muslim, Al-Tarmizi and Nasai which rejected the argument about a sighting to be used by other distant places.
I remembered one ustaz when asked why are there so many interpretations and all these talks, make the Muslims look ununited, said, actually having differences allow us to talk about it and keep the subject alive and therefore should not cause disunity but instead allows a healthy discussion. It keeps the religion alive. Afterall the argument does not centre on the one most important thing - the belief in the Al-Mighty. Wallahualam. Selamat Berpuasa to all Daily Brunei Resources Muslim readers!
I was also asked by my non-Muslims friends why the Muslims can't be united and decide on one day for start of Ramadhan and Syawal. Yes, there have been many technological advances on predicting when a new moon would appear. But for a purely Muslim country like ours, we tend to stick to the methods that had been prescribed either in Al-Quran or by words of Nabi mohammad SAW. Why do you ask that? This is just my opinion, but I think who else better to follow what have been prescribed, if not the Muslims themselves? It is a way for us to preserve the Muslim culture in the modern and internet age. And anyway, nothing beats the feeling of suspense that you get everytime you wait for the announcement.
Why can't we use sighting in other place? It's all about the longitude of those places and how days and nights break at those places. That's why Indonesia for a while had different starting days for Ramadhan and Syawal. Do you know that this year is the first time in many years that the whole of Indonesia start fasting on the same day?
Anyway, selemat berpuasa to all Muslims wherever you are. Moga semua ibadat diterima Illahi. Ramadhan Mubarak!
I'd actually feel sad if we don't continue the tradition of sighting for the new moon. It itself is like a small pre-celebration for the arrival of the new month of Ramadhan and Syawal.
Plus Maurina is right. It's one of the things that makes Brunei unique :) Small wonderful stuff that is about Brunei :)
and why neglect those other months? isnt it crucial to know when the exact day of a month begins each time for the whole ramadhan 'moon sighting' to be even Valid??