PS. Yesterday was 9/11 and much as I wanted to write about it, I thought of all the atrocities committed in the name of fighting the war against terror since then, I decided against it. I even refused to post about it on 9/11 but preferring today 9/12 as a small but token gesture against the current military incursions as even in the fight against terrorism, the end does not justify the means. The battle against terrorism will only succeed if economic development in the crisis regions is strengthened - countries need more economic help and not more military help. There should be respect for international law and respect for countries' sovereignity and tolerance for other cultures.
I pray that the Al-Mighty have mercy on all those who have died since then and pray that whoever are the perpetrators of all these deaths receive their fair judgment in hell when they die. The world may be a changed place but it is not an excuse for any military incursions nor for any gratuitous deaths.
Many innocent people died on 9/11. Why should a four year old child flying to New York die for the policies made by a government he or she did not even vote for?
9/11 has triggered the so-called war on terror, yet plenty of innocent lives continue to die.
“The battle against terrorism will only succeed if economic development in the crisis regions is strengthened - countries need more economic help and not more military help.”
I agree. More opportunities should be given to the poor to aid their development and more awareness should be made to campaigns such as ‘Make Poverty History’ or ‘Make Trade Fair’. It would be far more effective than the current action taken on the war on terror.
Nothing can ever justify the deaths of INNOCENT people.
History will repeat itself. Look what happened after WW1 and WW2.
One would think that the hurt would be enough to last humankind for another millenium. But no...
Where is the love, ey?