Managing Disasters (Again)

By the way my computer was knocked out last night. There was a thunderstorm immediately above our area - you can tell how far the storm is by timing the lightning and thunder. Last night both occured together. The power to the house was tripped and when I tried switching on my desktop computer, the hard disk refused to spin. I am now relying on my laptop and for once I am thankful I signed up for OMNI with TelBru (OMNI is the expanded espeed - espeed modem combined with a mobile modem).

It is almost impossible to prevent landslides especially around the ridges given the amount of rain that we have over the last few weeks. Ridges are nice places to build houses - overlooking down on other people. But if the contractors are not aware and did not take precaution of potential disasters, anything can happen. My father and I learned it the hard way a number of years ago when we underestimated the amount of water flowing passed a house my father owned somewhere in Jalan Subok. During normal days, the water was flowing like a small brook. During rainy season, that tiny little brook became a raging torrent. It tore down the house's retaining walls. You can bet the next retaining wall we built was built like a fort. We were lucky that we managed to stem the flow to save the house.
Who can we blame? We can't blame PWD or even TCP for approving the house. Nobody could have forseen this and if anything, we the owners should be blamed. We took the risks.
Today that question is posed by many around the country facing this disaster. Who can they blame? Some can go back to the developers and contractors. Some are pure natural disasters. Some should have blamed themselves but didn't because they were the ones who weakened the slopes with their own illegal development. Some can blame other people because the others weakened the slopes with their illegal development. All eventually tried to blame the government because the government did not stop those illegal developments and the government should have taken care of those slopes regardless. There is a limit to what the government can do. Eventually we are the one who have to take care of our own properties. Nobody else will.