Dewan Bahasa celebrated its 50th anniversary very recently. His Majesty himself graced the ocassion and noted the role of Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka as the guardian of our Malay Language. The Minister of Home Affairs also gave a talk on the sustainability of the Malay language, the language with the fourth largest group in the world. He said that there were more than 30,000 languages but now only around 5,000 had survived and by the end of the century, about half would have disappeared. And according to Pehin, one of the factors which determine longetivity of the language is the number of speakers. That being the case the Malay Language will be able to survive for quite sometime yet.
The postal authorities also issued stamps to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Dewan Bahasa.
Technical Details about the stamps:
Name of Issue
The Golden Jubiless of the Establishment of Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka
Date of Issue
17 September 2011
Stamp Denomination
$1.00, 50 cents and 20 cents
Price of Miniature Sheet
Awang Abd Ajihis bin Haji Terawih
Secura Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore
Size of Stamp
29.85 mm x 40.8 mm
Size of Miniature Sheet
145 mm x 105 mm
Printing Process
Offset and Gold Hot Stamping
102 gsm
13 per 2 cm