$25 Stamp to Commemmorate 25th National Day

Yesterday, I mentioned that the Postal Service were releasing stamps to commemorate the 25th National Day. There were 8 new stamps all at 25 cents each, first day covers and miniature sheets. This is the $25 miniature sheet to commemmorate Brunei's 25th National Day. It showed both His Majesty and His Majesty's father during the Proclamation of Independence on the eve of 1st Janary 1984.
This is indeed a special stamp as the last time Brunei issued a $25 stamp, you would have to go almost 100 years ago when Brunei issued a $25 stamp in 1910. That 99 year old $25 stamp is now worth some $2,000 now if you can find one now. I managed to get one about two years ago and I was lucky I did not have to pay $2,000 to get it.
The new $25 stamp is on a miniature sheet. All the stamps are designed by Ajihis bin Haji Terawih and Abdull Rahman bin Ahmad. The stamps were printed at Thai British Security Printing Public Limited Company, Thailand.
But if you think $25 is a bit too steep to buy a piece of souvenir, then get the set of stamps at a cost of only $2.