Turkish Muslims of Western Thrace

I walked through the exhibitions or rather quickly walked past most of the exhibits stopping only at the stalls which had documents which is of interest to my work such as UNHabitat etc. One Chinese stopped me to take a photograph with me. This is not unusual, I have this knack of people wanting to take a photo with me. I have a bunch of photographs in Iran when a group of Iranian students stopped me to have a photograph with me. In Vietnam too. Must be my superplus++ size... Anyway, among the stalls, I was quite surprised to see one particular stall which was highlighting the plight of the Muslim Turks in Greece.
The stall claimed that the Muslim Turks in Greece have been discriminated by the Greek Government and that their mosques built on wakaf lands had their lands taken by the government. From what I can gather, the Turks were allowed to stay in Greece under the Treaty of Lausanne signed in 1920s where Greeks were also allowed to stay in Turkey. The Turks numbering between 80,000 to 120,000 depending on whose statistics you read, stay in an area called Western Thrace thus they are known as Turkish of Western Thrace. The Greeks argued that the agreement talked about Muslim minority and not about Turkish minority and hence the argument.

Though recently, the European Court of Human Rights (March 2008), Greece had been convicted because of their actions. So the Turks have been proven to be right. I'll stop there.