Brunei's Escalating Prices

Today I don't have to wait for Lat. We have our very own Lat in the form of cuboiart. Mr. Cuboiart gets my vote for being Mr Lat of Brunei. Yesterday's cartoon in BB was a classic. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows what the cartoon is all about. Prices go up because some other prices went up. In this case, price of oil. This economic phenomenon of sticky prices is interesting. But it is sticky going downwards but has not much resistance going upwards. The only announcement so far is the airlines lowering their extra high fuel surcharge.
In contrast, Malaysian cartoonist Lat (full name: Datuk Mohammad Nor Khalid) is of the old school style but his extrovert personality is Lat's X-factor to draw in fans. I know one of his Japanese fans who travels once a year to KL just to get any latest products by Lat! And more recently Lat has made inroads into the US market. Not bad for a M'sian kampung boy made good, eh! :) My point in posting this, BRo, is simply to highlight the fact that Brunei has one RAW TALENT too many like cuboiart who are awaiting the right support, guidance, exposure & BIG break.