
"61. The school at Tutong proved unexpectedly popular and efficient. Tutong children appear to be generally more intelligent than the Bruneis."
I am not trying to generate an inter-district rivalry but it is certainly interesting to note such a comment and coming from an outsider. Of course in those days, there were not many children going to school. Up to 1920s, the British Resident was still arguing that compulsory education would not be popular. In fact, schools in Belait and Tutong only opened the previous year in 1918. And by 1919, the Tutong children impressed the British Resident so much that he put that in his report.
Today we do not have a district education comparison, at least, not in public. I don't know whether such a comparison would still be apt today given the much changing social mobility and social structure. But if there was such a comparison, I wonder whether we could say any district's children would be any much more intelligent than the other districts. Interesting thought that...