13th Senior ASEAN Officials Responsible for Information Meeting

Nay Pyi Taw, 25th March 2015 - The 13th Senior ASEAN Officials Responsible for Information Meeting-13th SOMRI was held at Ngwehsaung Yacht Club and Resort in Ayeyawady Region on Wednesday. Present at the meeting were Union Minister for Information U Ye Htut, Ayeyawady Region Security and Border Affairs Minister Col Maung Maung Win, Region Development Affairs Minister U Kyaw Win Naing, senior information officials from ASEAN countries and delegates and guests. The meeting commenced with the ASEAN Anthem before saluting the late first Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, one of the founding leaders of the ASEAN. Then, Union Minister for Information U Ye Htut delivered an opening speech and posed for documentary photos with the senior information officials from ASEAN countries. The meeting focused on Post-2015 Vision of the ASEAN Community, the draft for 2025 Vision of the ASEAN Community, timeframe for strategic plans between 2016 and 2025 and the ASEAN Communication Master Pl...