Brunei Words

Sometimes Brunei words are so obscure or we hardly used them that other than our elders, most younger Bruneians would be stumped. My friend showed me an example of a Brunei nationality test which I thought I will reproduce here for everyone to have a look. It looks hard at first, but it isn't really. You take a look.

Question (loosely translated) - use the following words to complete the sentences below:-

a. barambit
b. damal
c. tajulayak
d. zaman kuratu
e. malimbak
f. paspan
g. rabah rimpah
h. sindat
i. tabasan
j. mangunjar

1. Sungguh berseri pengantin itu, terutama setelah memakai ............................. di lengan.
2. Kanak-kanak itu ............................. kerana berlari di atas lantai simen yang basah.
3. Sambil menunggu waktu pekerjaan dimulakan, pekerja-pekerja itu mengadakan perlawanan ..........................
4. Ibu menggunakan ................................... untuk memasak nasi.
5. Letih saya ................................ orang itu tetapi tidak juga terjumpa.
6. Pada ........................................................, empayar Brunei meliputi seluruh kepulauan Borneo dan pulau-puala di Selatan Filipina.
7. budak-budak itu berlari .................................... kerana dikejar anjing.
8. Air di dalam gelas itu .................................... kerana tangannya ketar-ketar.
9. Pak Abu mula menanam jagung di kawasan ................................. dekat anak sungai itu.
10. "Jangan angkat kain itu dari temput jemuran kerana masih ................................. " kata emaknya.


Anonymous said…
HAHAHA. Testing, testing...

a. barambit - 3
b. damal - 10
c. tajulayak - 2
d. zaman kuratu - 6
e. malimbak - 8
f. paspan - 4
g. rabah rimpah - 7
h. sindat - 1
i. tabasan - 9
j. mangunjar - 5

how did i do? i feel like a student in MIB class.
Anonymous said…
1. - sindat
2. - tajulayak
3. -barambit
4. - paspan
5. - mangunjar
6. - zaman kuratu
7. - rabah rimpah
8. - malimbak
9. - tabasan
10. - damal
Anonymous said…
most of my fren refered me as 'urg yg kuat bekurapak bahsa urg tua2' hahaha! its funny coz they said i used to speak the barunai language n not the standard lang. such as, 'bepadah'istead of 'bagitau', 'mengarik' instead of 'teriak panggil', 'langau' instead of 'panggil', 'beliun' instead of 'pusing' and 'tabuk' instead of 'ceramin'..i used this words alot! most my uni frens find it fun listening to the words that i used..though the didnt use this words as much as i do, or perhaps non, but interestingly, they do understand what im talking about.. i usually conclude my story by saying im proud to use those words cause for my age of group (early 20's) its hard to find someone who use those words as often as i do..heehee.. answering to the question, i only know the meaning of zaman kuratu, damal n mengujar =)
Anonymous said…
LUCAH JUA YANG NUMBUR SATU ATU EH! Jadinya sudah makai baju sindat (katat) barutah berseri hahahahahahah.
Anonymous said…
only know two of those words- mangunjar and damal. My friends used to say it. I'm a pure bruneian, and am proud of bru language though I know little about it...

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