Heteronim and Homogram

What's so good about it? For some, it may be dull. It's full of articles about the Malay language. But for me, that's what so good about it. The articles are just nicely sized and full of important things that I need to know or may not to know but useful to know about just the same. There are 12 articles inside this one but each article is about 500 words long which is very manageable. For instance there is this article about Heteronim and Homogram. Heteronim is the same word, spelt the same but pronounced differently. For example, 'semak', (1) Sila semak kerja awak; (II) Rumah kosong itu dipenuhi semak. What this homogram means? Homogram are for words which are different but meaning the same. See, you learn something everyday.
I do hope DBP is able continue this sytle of publication as well as this particular publication.