A Few Legends in Brunei Muara District

The reason why I wanted to read this book obviously was the title - A Few Legends in the Brunei Muara District. I wanted to make sure that I know of all the legends. When I finally got to read it, for me I found it greatly disappointing. It is a very short book and about 2/3 of it is spent on the theory of legends etc which would be great if this book was a thesis. The few legends listed in the book are all well known and I did not find any new one. Personally, I was very disappointed. However, since it only cost $3.20, I should not complain.
BUT, if you don't know much or any legends, then this is a worthwhile book for you to buy so that you can bring yourself up to speed with regard to Brunei/Muara legends. Ignore what I just wrote up there as I am reviewing this book from an entirely different perspective. There are eight tales of origin of legend plust maps where these places are. At $3.20, that is a steal. Available at all Dewan Bahasa in Brunei.